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Encryption & Decryption Configurations


This document details all the configuration properties we support in our encryption and decryption interceptors.

You'll also find a few tips, like the Secret Key Templates or the Secrets in Environment Variables.

Please find some examples of interceptors on the Encryption Snippets page.

Encryption Types

When to encrypt?

Gateway can encrypt your data on produce, or on consume:

  • On Produce - The data will be encrypted before it gets to the broker, i.e. encrypted before it enters Kafka. The Gateway will intercept the records, encrypt them following your definition within the interceptor configuration, and then pass it to Kafka.
  • On Consume - The original data is already in Kafka. The Gateway will encrypt the original data as the consumer consumes it.

What to encrypt?

In either case, you should decide whether you want to encrypt the full payload, or only select fields.

  • Full payload - You want to encrypt the key, the value, or the headers of your records, which can be done on structured or unstructured messages.
  • Field-level - Define which fields in your payload need to be encrypted. You can choose the fields with a schema-based solution, or not. The choice will depend on how you produce the messages, and what you want to encrypt:
    • Schema-based - Fields are encrypted based on tags you include in the record schema itself.
    • List-based - Fields are encrypted based on the list you specify in the interceptor configuration.
      • Schema Payload - The record has been produced using a schema (Avro, JSON, Protobuf).
      • JSON Payload - The record is a simple JSON payload.

Encryption Configuration - How to encrypt?

The properties detailed in this section work for the following plugins:

On ProduceOn Consume

Both schema-based and list-based encryption plugins have their configuration, but some properties are common to both of them.

Common Properties
topicString.*Topics matching this regex will have the interceptor applied.
schemaRegistryConfigSchemaRegistryConfiguration of your Schema Registry, is needed if you want to encrypt data produced using Avro, JSON or Protobuf schemas.
schemaDataModeStringpreserve_avroAs of 3.3, you can decide to preserve the inbound message format when it encrypts the data IF the incoming data is Avro, rather than converting the message to JSON (as per current behaviour).
To convert the record to JSON and break the link to its schema in the backing topic, you can set this field to convert_json (default until 3.3).
externalStorageBooleanfalseChoose where to store your encryption settings.
false - Encryption settings will be stored within message headers.
true - Encryption settings will be stored in a topic called _conduktor_gateway_encryption_configs by default, this can be renamed using the environment variable GATEWAY_ENCRYPTION_CONFIGS_TOPIC.
kmsConfigKMSConfiguration of one or multiple KMS.
enableAuditLogOnErrorBooleantrueThe audit log will be enabled when an error occurs during encryption/decryption
List-Based Properties
recordValueValue & Key EncryptionConfiguration to encrypt the record value.
recordKeyValue & Key EncryptionConfiguration to encrypt the record key.
recordHeaderHeaders EncryptionConfiguration to encrypt the record headers.
Schema-Based Properties
defaultKeySecretIdSecret Key TemplateDefault keySecretId to use if none is set in the schema. It must be a unique identifier for the secret key, and can be a template for crypto shredding use cases.
defaultAlgorithmAlgorithmAES128_GCMDefault algorithm to use if no algorithm is set in the schema.
tagsList[String]List of tags to search for in the schema to encrypt the specified fields.
namespaceStringconduktor.Prefix of custom schema constraints for encryption.

List-Based Encryption

To define what you want to encrypt, the following options are expanded upon in their respective sections below:

  • Value & Key:
    • Encrypt a set of fields
    • Encrypt the full payload
  • Headers:
    • Encrypt a set of fields
    • Encrypt the full payload
    • Encrypt a set of headers that match a regex

Value & Key Encryption

Set the following properties below for recordValue (for value encryption) and/or recordKey (for key encryption).

Full-Payload Encryption
payload.keySecretIdSecret Key TemplateSecret key, can be a template for crypto shredding use cases.
payload.algorithmAlgorithmAES128_GCMAlgorithm to leverage.
Field-Level Encryption
fields[].fieldNameStringName of the field to encrypt. It can be a nested structure with a dot . such as education.account.username or banks[0].accountNo.
fields[].keySecretIdSecret Key TemplateAES128_GCMUnique identifier for the secret key. You can store this key in your KMS by using the KMS key templates. It can be a template for crypto shredding use cases.
fields[].algorithmAlgorithmAlgorithm to use to encrypt this field.

To see an example, please refer to the Encryption Examples page.

Headers Encryption

Set the following properties below for recordHeader.

Full-Payload EncryptionConfiguration to encrypt the full payload.
payload.keySecretIdSecret Key TemplateSecret key, can be a template for crypto shredding use cases.
payload.algorithmAlgorithmAES128_GCMAlgorithm to leverage.
Field-Level Encryption
fields[].fieldNameStringName of the field to encrypt. It can be a nested structure with a dot . such as education.account.username or banks[0].accountNo.
fields[].keySecretIdSecret Key TemplateAES128_GCMUnique identifier for the secret key. It can be a template for crypto shredding use cases.
Headers Encryption
headerStringHeaders that match this regex will be encrypted.
Warning: it can encrypt all headers including gateway headers

To see an example, please refer to the Encryption Examples page.

Schema-Based Encryption - Schema Configuration

In order to encrypt your data, you can set a few constraints in your schema. These constraints are detailed below, assuming you're using the default namespace value which is conduktor.​. If you have changed the namespace value in the interceptor configuration, please change the key name in your schema accordingly.

conduktor.keySecretIdSecret Key TemplateUnique identifier for the secret key, and can be a template for crypto shredding use cases.
conduktor.algorithmAlgorithmAES128_GCMAlgorithm to use to encrypt this field.
conduktor.tagsList[String]Fields tagged with a matching tag from your interceptor will be encrypted using the keySecretId and algorithm specified in the schema.
If these are not defined in the schema, the defaultKeySecretId and defaultAlgorithm from the interceptor configuration will be used.

If your field meets one of these 3 conditions, then it will be encrypted:

  1. This field has a keySecretId set in the schema
  2. This field has a algorithm set in the schema
  3. This field has a set of tags set in the schema, and one of them is part of the tags list specified in the interceptors.

To see an example, please refer to the Encryption Examples page.

Secret Key templates

Mustache Template

In all the encryption plugins, you can use mustache templates for the keySecretId. That way, your secret keys will be dynamic.


The value of a field will be replaced with the encrypted value. So it is not allowed to use the encryption field as the keyId.

PatternReplaced by
{{record.topic}}Name of the topic you're encrypting the data of.
{{record.key}}Key of the encrypted record.
{{record.value.someValueFieldName}}Value of the field called someValueFieldName
If you're doing field-level encryption, please ensure that someValueFieldName is not included in the fields to encrypt. Otherwise, you will not be able to decrypt it.
{{record.value.someList[0].someValueField}}Value of the field called someValueFieldName, in the first element of the list someList
{{record.header.someHeader}}Value of the header called someHeader

Here is a record example:

# Header

# Key

# Value
"someValueFieldName": "I",
"someList": [{ "someValueField": "love" }, { "someValueField": "Kafka" }]

If you want, you can set something like "keySecretId": "{{record.topic}}-{{record.header.someHeader}}-{{record.key}}". This will create an encryption key called myTopic-myHeader-myKey in memory.

If you want this key to be stored in your Vault KMS for instance, you can set: "keySecretId": "vault-kms://vault:8200/transit/keys/{{record.topic}}-{{record.header.someHeader}}-{{record.key}}".

Key Stored in KMS

Any keySecretId that doesn't match one of the schemas detailed below will be rejected and the encryption operation will fail.

If you want to make sure the key is well created in your KMS, you have to (1) make sure you have configured the connection to the KMS , and (2) use the following format as keySecretId:

KMSKMS identifier prefixKey URI formatExample

Note that In-Memory mode is present for testing and development purposes only - keys stored in this manner do not persist between Gateway restarts.


Keys are string that starts with a letter, followed by a combination of letters, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and numbers. Special characters are not allowed. It also works with the upper mustache pattern.

Supported Algorithms

  • AES128_GCM (default)
  • AES128_EAX
  • AES256_EAX
  • AES128_CTR_HMAC_SHA256
  • AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256
  • CHACHA20_POLY1305
  • XCHACHA20_POLY1305
  • AES256_GCM

Decryption Configuration - How to decrypt?

Now that your fields or payload are encrypted, you can decrypt them using the interceptor DecryptPlugin.

topicString.*Topics matching this regex will have the interceptor applied
schemaRegistryConfigSchemaRegistryConfiguration of your Schema Registry, is needed if you want to decrypt into Avro, JSON or Protobuf schemas.
kmsConfigKMSConfiguration of one or multiple KMS
recordValueFieldsList[String]Only for field-level encryption - List of fields to decrypt in the value. If empty, we decrypt all the encrypted fields.
recordKeyFieldsList[String]Only for field-level encryption - List of fields to decrypt in the key. If empty, we decrypt all the encrypted fields.
recordHeaderFieldsList[String]Only for field-level encryption - List of headers to decrypt. If empty, we decrypt all the encrypted headers.
enableAuditLogOnErrorBooleantrueThe audit log will be enabled when an error occurs during encryption/decryption
errorPolicyStringreturn_encryptedDetermines the action if there is an error during decryption. The options are return_encrypted (the encrypted payload is returned to the client) or fail_fetch (the client will receive an error for the fetch and no data).

Schema Registry Configuration

As soon as your records are produced using a schema, you must configure these properties in your encryption or decryption interceptors below schemaRegistryConfig to be able to (de)serialize them.

hoststringURL of your schema registry.
cacheSizestring50Number of schemas that can be cached locally by this interceptor so that it doesn't have to query the schema registry every time.
additionalConfigsmapAdditional properties maps to specific security-related parameters. For enhanced security, you can hide the sensitive values using environment variables as secrets.​

Use Environment Variables as Secrets

You probably don't want your secrets to appear in your interceptors. In order to make sure this doesn't happen, you can refer to the environment variables you have set in your Gateway container.

For that, you can simply use the format ${MY_ENV_VAR}.

We recommend you use this for Schema Registry or Vault secrets, and any other values you'd like to hide in the configuration.

KMS Configuration

This section is detailing how to configure the different KMS within your encrypt & decrypt interceptors.

keyTtlMslongKey's time-to-live in milliseconds. The default is 1 hour. Disable the cache by setting it to 0.
in-memoryIn-MemoryIn Memory KMS that is not persistent, internal to the Gateway, for demo purposes only.
vaultVault KMSHashiCorp Vault KMS
azureAzure KMSAzure Key Vault
gcpGCP KMSGoogle Key Management

In-Memory KMS


This is for demos only and should not be used on production data.

Keys in In-Memory KMS are not persisted, this means that if you do one of the following, you won't be able to decrypt old records, loosing the data.

  • Use a gateway cluster with more than a single node
  • Or restart the Gateway
  • Or change the interceptor configuration

Vault KMS

To set your Vault KMS, include this section in your interceptor config, below vault.

You can use one of these two authentication methods:

  • Token
  • Username & Password

Make sure you've followed the right method, and that you've provided the correct properties.

For enhanced security, you can hide the sensitive values using environment variables as secrets.

uriStringVault URI.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_URIVault server base URI.
VAULT_ENGINE_VERSIONVault KV Secrets Engine version.
VAULT_NAMESPACEVault namespace.
typeStringRequired for all types of VaultKMSConfig. Determines the type of authentication to use.
Supported types:

Vault Authentication Types

Token AuthenticationUse Token Authentication.
typeStringMust be TOKEN. Indicates the type of authentication.
tokenStringSecurity token for accessing Vault.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be TOKEN. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_TOKENToken to use for accessing Vault.
Username & PasswordUse Username & Password Authentication.
typeStringMust be USERNAME_PASSWORD. Indicates the type of authentication.
usernameStringUsername for accessing Vault.
passwordStringPassword for accessing Vault.
userpassAuthMountString(Optional) Mount path for the userpass auth method.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be USERNAME_PASSWORD. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_USERNAMEUsername for accessing Vault.
VAULT_PASSWORDPassword for accessing Vault.
VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT(Optional) Mount path for the userpass auth method.
GitHub AuthenticationUse GitHub Token Authentication.
typeStringMust be GITHUB. Indicates the type of authentication.
tokenStringGitHub personal access token.
githubAuthMountString(Optional) Mount path for the GitHub auth method.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be GITHUB. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_GITHUB_TOKENGitHub token for accessing Vault.
VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT(Optional) Mount path for the GitHub auth method.
LDAP AuthenticationUse LDAP Authentication.
typeStringMust be LDAP. Indicates the type of authentication.
usernameStringLDAP username.
passwordStringLDAP password.
ldapAuthMountString(Optional) Mount path for the LDAP auth method.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be LDAP. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT(Optional) Mount path for the LDAP auth method.
AppRole AuthenticationUse AppRole Authentication.
typeStringMust be APP_ROLE. Indicates the type of authentication.
roleIdStringRole ID for AppRole authentication.
secretIdStringSecret ID for AppRole authentication.
pathString(Optional) Mount path for the AppRole auth method.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be APP_ROLE. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_APP_ROLE_IDRole ID for AppRole authentication.
VAULT_APP_SECRET_IDSecret ID for AppRole authentication.
VAULT_APP_PATH(Optional) Mount path for the AppRole auth method.
Kubernetes AuthenticationUse Kubernetes Authentication.
typeStringMust be KUBERNETES. Indicates the type of authentication.
roleStringKubernetes role.
jwtStringKubernetes JWT token.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be KUBERNETES. Indicates the type of authentication.
GCP AuthenticationUse Google Cloud Platform Authentication.
typeStringMust be GCP. Indicates the type of authentication.
roleStringGCP role for authentication.
jwtStringJWT token issued by Google Cloud Platform.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be GCP. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_GCP_ROLEGCP role for authentication.
VAULT_GCP_JWTJWT token for accessing Vault.
AWS EC2 Authentication (PKCS7)Use AWS EC2 PKCS7 Authentication.
typeStringMust be AWS_EC2_PKCS7. Indicates the type of authentication.
roleStringAWS role for EC2 authentication.
pkcs7StringPKCS7 identity document.
nonceString(Optional) Nonce value for EC2 authentication.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be AWS_EC2_PKCS7. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_AWS_ROLEAWS role for EC2 authentication.
VAULT_AWS_PKCS7PKCS7 identity document.
VAULT_AWS_NONCE(Optional) Nonce value for EC2 authentication.
VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT(Optional) Mount path for the AWS EC2 PKCS7 auth method.
AWS EC2 AuthenticationUse AWS EC2 Identity Authentication.
typeStringMust be AWS_EC2. Indicates the type of authentication.
roleStringAWS role for EC2 authentication.
identityStringAWS identity document.
signatureStringAWS signature for authentication.
nonceStringNonce value for EC2 authentication.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be AWS_EC2. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_AWS_ROLEAWS role for EC2 authentication.
VAULT_AWS_IDENTITYAWS identity document.
VAULT_AWS_SIGNATUREAWS signature for authentication.
VAULT_AWS_NONCE(Optional) Nonce value for EC2 authentication.
VAULT_AUTH_MOUNT(Optional) Mount path for the AWS EC2 auth method.
AWS IAM AuthenticationUse AWS IAM Authentication.
typeStringMust be AWS_IAM. Indicates the type of authentication.
roleStringAWS role for IAM authentication.
iamRequestUrlStringIAM request URL for authentication.
iamRequestBodyStringIAM request body for authentication.
iamRequestHeadersStringIAM request headers for authentication.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be AWS_IAM. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_AWS_ROLEAWS role for IAM authentication.
VAULT_AWS_IAM_REQUEST_URLIAM request URL for authentication.
VAULT_AWS_IAM_REQUEST_BODYIAM request body for authentication.
VAULT_AWS_IAM_REQUEST_HEADERSIAM request headers for authentication.
JWT AuthenticationUse JWT Authentication.
typeStringMust be JWT. Indicates the type of authentication.
jwtStringJWT token for authentication.
providerStringJWT provider for authentication.
roleStringJWT role for authentication.
Managed identityLoad authentication information from the below environment variables.
VAULT_AUTH_TYPEStringMust be JWT. Indicates the type of authentication.
VAULT_JWTJWT token for authentication.
VAULT_JWT_PROVIDERJWT provider for authentication.


"type": "APP_ROLE",
"uri": "",
"version": "1",
"roleId": "my-role-id",
"secretId": "my-secret-id"

Azure KMS

To set your Azure KMS, include this section in your interceptor config, below azure.

You can use one of these two authentication methods:

  • Token
  • Username & Password

Make sure you've followed the right method, and that you've provided the correct properties.

For enhanced security, you can hide the sensitive values using environment variables as secrets.

tokenCredential.clientIdstringClient ID.
tokenCredential.tenantIdstringTenant ID.
tokenCredential.clientSecretstringClient secret.
Username & Password
usernamePasswordCredential.clientIdstringClient ID.
usernamePasswordCredential.tenantIdstringTenant ID.
Managed IdentityConfigure the KMS from the context, and not using variables. This will be overwritten if a specific KMS is configured within the interceptor.


To set your AWS KMS, include this section in your interceptor config, below aws.

You can use one of these two authentication methods:

  • Basic authentication
  • Session

Make sure you've followed the right method, and that you've provided the correct properties.

For enhanced security, you can hide the sensitive values using environment variables as secrets.

Basic Authentication
basicCredentials.accessKeyStringAccess Key.
basicCredentials.secretKeyStringSecret Key.
sessionCredentials.accessKeyStringAccess Key.
sessionCredentials.secretKeyStringSecret Key.
sessionCredentials.sessionTokenStringSession Token.
Managed IdentityConfigure the KMS from the context, and not using variables. This will be overwritten if a specific KMS is configured within the interceptor.


To set your GCP (Google Cloud Platform) KMS, include this section in your interceptor config, below gcp.

You must first configure the service account key file.

For enhanced security, you can hide the sensitive values using environment variables as secrets.

serviceAccountCredentialsFilePathStringService account key file in GCP.
Managed IdentityConfigure the KMS from the context, and not using variables. This will be overwritten if a specific KMS is configured within the interceptor.